I am a senior researcher at ALGO-COOP team, CERFACS, Toulouse, France. My interests are in the area of uncertainty quantification, optimisation, and computational fluid dynamics. At CERFACS I develop and maintain the TreePart/Adapt framework for large scale online unstructured mesh partitioning and adaptation. We recently achieved scalable online partitioning up to 132k MPI ranks fully exploiting the hardware hierarchy of the parallel machines (node/sockets/cores).
Am also the developer and maintainer of the Turbomachinery CFD/Adjoint solver (STAMPS) along with Dr. Jens-Dominik Mueller at Queen Mary University of London. STAMPS is one of the first Turbomachinery RANS solvers based on Newton-Krylov method using exact Jacobian obtained using source-transformed Algorithmic differentation.
Feel free to explore my open source projects and the most starred one on GitHub the compressibleFoam solver (an excellent CFD teaching aid) and my blog posts.
PhD in Aerospace Engineering, 2019
Queen Mary University of London
MS in Aerospace Engineering, 2010
Pennsylvania State University
B.Tech in Aerospace Engineering, 2005
Madras Institute of Technology
Library and tools for element-free or meshless solvers
Framework for Unstructred Mesh Solvers: Mesh data-base, partitioner, and load balancer
OpenFOAM based compressible flow solver using Riemann flux reconstruction